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I went to the hospital, got my results, I have a possible virus in my brain which has caused PHS (persistant headache syndrome), its can last up to 2 years, evntually dissapearing. They don’t know what it is and what causes it. No cure except asprins, panadols, etc and learning to live with it.

GoiNG ouT & iM NoT GaY

I like to go out to clubs, but usually early in the morning after a few vodkas/tequilas I get pissed off. Up to that point I was having fun having a boogie to the occasional track I like, but those unfortunate times when I a sitting down between boogie time my nasty brain kicks in. I wonder what the fuck I’m doing there, the only people that seem to talk to me are other guys and girls with partners. Do I have some sort of weird vibe that scares away single women, or just attracts the ones who want a “friend”. A few years ago I was chatting with a woman I've known for years at a club, I mentioned something about an exgirlfriend, and she looked shocked. For years she thought I was gay. I have a sneaking suspicion that one of my brothers thought so too, but I don’t have the guts to ask him. It was the same sort of reaction when mentioning a girlfriend. I think he also said “I thought….” and stopped himself before he embarrassed himself further. I’m not gay, I have gay friends and have told them and they say they cant see it, I cant see it, where the fuck do people get their conclusions from. Is it because I’m single in my 30’s? is it because I’m a shy person? Is it because I’m not a big butch footy loving knobhead? Is it because I have a lot of female friends who I am comfortable with? Is it because I am comfortable with my heterosexuality? Is it because I have no problems with anyone’s sexuality? What the fuck is it?
It pisses me off at 5am when I’m sitting there wondering what the fuck I’m doing with my life. But then a track comes on I like and I drag myself out of the seat and go have a boogie and forget whatever the fuck I was stressing about. that’s why I still go clubbing, for those few minutes I’m on the dancefloor nothing else matters but friends and fun.

The morning after going out recently I woke with a really fuckin bad headache. This wasn’t a hangover, it was hell. I drank some vodka before going out, had a couple at the pub, then had a couple at the club, I stopped drinking at about 3-4am, went home 6.30am so not much over the night that lasted 8hrs. When I woke up for a piss around midday my head ached, I went back to bed and tried to sleep it off. My head hurt so bad that I dreamed my head was on fire.
This fucking headache thing I've got is scary, I am seriously thinking of giving up alcohol, the pain in the morning is not worth the pain the next day. When you live with a permanent headache, hangovers suck because you never have the eventual relief of no headache.

Recently I found a leather sporran in a opshop, got it for $10. fucking cool but now I gotta get a kilt. Just have to keep on searching the opshops. The same place I got the sporran the woman pointed out some other stuff under the counter. A small whip and a pair of wrist restraints $15 for the 3, of course I got them. I am the opshop explorer. I've found so much stuff in opshops, my friends are jealous cos I find cool stuff so much.

When your son’s beard has fully grown, its time to shave your own
Silence keeps the flies out
Little beard, little shame
God may love the poor man, but not the dirty one
If a man falls, he blames his ancestors
Kick a stone in anger and you will hurt your own foot
Save while your sack is full
Sleep is a thief that steals half one’s life
Solitude is the nest of thought
Puppies and pigs have a very different smell

The WiSDoM oF GeoRGe CaRLiN
- If you live long enough, everyone you know has cancer.
- I don’t understand people who protest things in the street by walking around holding signs. I say, if you’re gonna be on the street, use the time productively. Destroy some property
- I always take care to distinguish between maniacs and crazy people. A maniac will beat 9 people to death with a steel dildo. A crazy person will beat 9 people to death with a steel dildo, but he’ll be wearing a bugs bunny suit at the time.
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The music I was listening to while writing this was FaNTaSia 2000 & VaST and the radio station 3RRR.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People think you're gay? People think every guy is gay. They don't however assume every girl is gay, there's double standards here. I have never had a boyfirend who people DIDN'T think was gay. There's been heaps of people saying such classic things as :'But he wears leather pants','But he's so expressive', 'But he looks so girly','But he's so pretty','But he's so sensitive', 'But he's so broody', 'But he's got such a good body', 'But he's so masculine'.I'm serious,these are all real things people have said, so no matter what you do someone is going to take as a sign your gay. Well, unless your a girl, then it takes quite a bit more for people to assume your gay, sometimes even the presence of a girlfirend isn't enough.