
Useful Expressions
from RecSex
by Em & Lo

Bear Market
: a bar, party or other mingling spot with unfavorable pick up conditions
Bull Market : a bar, party or other mingling spot with favorable pick up conditions
Binge Fucking : overloading on casual sex usually before an occasion with an unfavorable booty forecast (also Carnal Loading or Storing Nuts)
Body Count : the total number if individuals with whom someone has slept with
Booty Budge : short for booty budget, the money you spend on stuff in the pursuit of booty (also Booty Tax)
Bounce : a booty call that’s on hold but can be called on again after the end of a long term relationship.
Bread Crumb Trail : anything that will help you remember how you woke up naked next to someone. e.g. Text messages, photos on digital cameras, matchbooks or receipts, anything from the night before
BUT : bi-curious until 30
Buyers Remorse : waking up after a casual encounter and not liking what you see
Collectible : someone you sleep with of a certain category or type they fulfill, also known as the “before-I-die” fuck.
Cuddle Party : a nonsexual , judgment-free space to explore, touch, intimacy, and affection with a bunch of strangers, basically a orgy with the fucking replaced by cuddling
Doing It For Science : engaging in a sexual activity you want to see why its like
Drive Thru : stopping by for a quickie then continuing on with your journey or a person who’s easy sexually (they’re open for late night business)
Dry Run : when you go home with someone but don’t go all the way
Economies of Scale : the theory that the more you put yourself out there the better you’ll do. Instead of approaching 5 people and getting 3 rejections you approach 50 you’ll get more numbers even with the rejections
Equal Opportunity Objectification : when women get in on the ogling game
Evangelism : sex as a tool of change, when you try to change a partners opinions/religion/philosophy/music tastes, so you can continue to fuck them (also sleeping with the enemy)
Evidence : all the stuff lying around your apartment that could significantly diminish your chances of getting laid
Fad Sex : position, sexual activity or accessory that experiences a sudden popularity increase due to a celebrity endorsement, magazine article, or appearance on hit TV show
Foreign Accent : the perfect accessory for a one night stand
Friends with Benefits : a kinder gentler term for fuck buddy
Friend Zone : a pigeon hole you place someone in from the 3 main categories, potential relationship, potential hookup or friend zone (a booty blackhole)
Fuck’n’Chuck : postcoital breakup
Fucksimile : a person you sleep with because they remind you of someone you really want to fuck
Google-gänger : someone who shares your name and is frequently mistaken for you by new acquaintances with a google habit
Google Goggles : the rose tinted glasses through which one views a new lover after a extensive internet search on them reveals very impressive results
Grief Therapy : any kind of sensual or sexual embrace that gives one comfort to take your mind off the grief your feeling (a mercy fuck, post traumatic sex)
Groucho Marx Syndrome : not wanting to belong to a club that wants you as a member, wanting what you cant have, or disliking someone when you find out they like you
Hate Fucking : not sex with someone you dislike, its sex with someone you hate with every pore of your being.
Home Game : when you make convince your booty call to come to you so you don’t have to get leave your house (ordering in)
Home Team Advantage : when your own area (bedroom, house, bar etc.) helps get you laid or makes a lasting impression
I-Cant-Believe-Its-Not-Bonking : anything that feels as good as sex, including anal or oral – but isn’t.
I-Deserve-It-Sex : sex intended to boost your self confidence
I've-Still-Got-It-Sex : sex intended to prove to yourself that you’ve still got it
Jumping Sharks : the phrase refers to the moment when you should’ve called the relationship off. It refers to the Happy Days episode when the Fonz jumped over a shark on water skis, its usually applied to the moment when something in pop culture starts turning to shite
Just Friends : a defensive description of a supposedly platonic relationship, 'cos if you’re really “just friends” you’d be “friends”. It implies that your relationship is a little complicated
Layaway : investments of time, money, effort, etc., that you make in order to convince someone to sleep with you.
LUG : lesbian until graduation
Mercy Fuck : sex with someone your not into but you do it because you feel sorry for them
Metabolize : the process of getting an ex out of your system
Method Dating : adopting personality traits of a person you are seeing
Mickey : someone who will try anything once or someone who is narrow minded but then when finally gives into trying something they become obsessed with it
Nooner : sex at or around noon on a work day
Occasion Sex : sex that’s hot due to circumstance
Palate Cleanser : rebound sex that gets rid of the bad taste in your mouth left by an ex
Phoning It In : unremarkable sex where you’re just going through the motions just out of habit (boregasm)
Play D’oh! : a casual sex blooper
Playdar : the casual sex equivalent of gaydar
Plot Spoiler : the top of the g-string that pokes out of the top of the top of your hipsters
Prenook : casual sex equivalent of a pre-nup, basically its about honest communication about both peoples intentions and expectations
Primer : nonsexual foreplay with someone you are yet to fuck
Quarterlife Crisis : the 20 something version of the mid life crisis, usually when they have to get serious about work, relationships, etc.
Rain Check : a promise that an unclaimed offer of sex will be valid for a later date
Returning To The Well
: sex with a previous partner, usually because they’re easy and your lazy (double dipping)
Schrödingers Cat : something that feels like a date but could be accurately described as a period of hanging out as a prelude to fucking
Sexile : someone who has been banished from their room/flat/houses their housemate can get it on
Sexpat : sex tourist
Sexpectations : sexual expectations
Sextra : something that exceeds your sexpectations or a sexual fringe benefit
Snack, to : to make out without the intention of doing anything
Suspension of Disbelief : the willingness of casual sex partners to suspend their critical faculties to the extent of ignoring minor realities (annoying personality traits, marital status, stds, etc.) so as to attempt to have sex like they do in the movies, passionately, acrobatically and without consequence.
Take-Me-Back Sex : sex during a closure get together, typically a few weeks to a month after a breakup.
Team Player : at a 3-way or orgy the person ensures the cd doesn’t skip, chips, dips and condoms are constantly replenished, that everyone understands the rules, no one is made to feel uncomfortable and each attendee gets a little of what they came for.
Temp Work : casual sex you have until a better, more permanent relationship comes along.
Terror Sex : as a country’s terror alert rises so do the bases. The more fear, the more likely you are to go further in a shorter time.
Third Base Coach : the new casual partner who is particularly vocal about giving specific direction and criticism during an early sexual encounter
Three-Way : making the beast with 6 legs
Tofu Boyfriend/Girlfriend : someone you go out with 'cos they go with everything or because you can bend them to your will and they will take on your flavour
You-Where-Wrong-To-Leave-Me Sex : it’s take-me-back sex when initiated by a realist. Its more acrobatic and less about eye contact, its to impress rather than bond.
Umfriend : an acquaintance of uncertain status, as in “this is my… um … friend”
Unicorn : any creature that is considered to be rare – or even mythical – in the world. For example, a sexy confident woman who really means it when she says prefers nice guys, a single guy with sense of style, humour and no commitment issues, etc.
Unilateral Casual Sex : having sex as if no one else is involved.
Walk of Shame/Fame : the return route to your residence the morning after an unexpected sleepover.

1 comment:

LingoTees said...

Have we got a shirt for one of your useful expressions