

Recently i was diagnosed with a mental illness, its not something as hardcore as bi-polar/schizophrenia so I don't have to take medication (thank fuck), but it's frustrating and annoying. I'm getting treatment and its under control.
My emotions seem to be out of whack. The thing that kicked it off was I was watching a funny film and I felt like crying, it was weird enough that I decided to go to the doctor. I've had emotional freak outs before, but I can usually pin point what caused it, this time nothing obvious set it off. I'm seeing a psychologist, and also meditating when I get a chance, cos it helps me calm down. The doc suggested medication but I wanna avoid that stuff. My emotions feel a bit raw and sensitive, everything seems to set me off.
When I describe it to female friends they say it sounds like PMS, that made me laugh.
I used to get frustrated with people with mental illness, I didn't understand it, I learnt some stuff from my flatmate who works with intellectual disabled people which helped. Now im one of them.
It can happen to anyone, it can happen without warning and it can happen to someone you know


dlfan said...

Hey Rev,
I haven't read your blog for a while.. how's the illness going?

Anonymous said...

Good luck with this. I was paralysed by something similar for several years. Doctors, shrinks, the hole kit and caboodle. In the end, I just didn't want to be down / weird anymore. Still bit weird, but not as much.