
WHaT iS a GReBO?

What is a GReBO?

According to “the encyclopedia of the 80s, a decade of I-Deas”
(compiled and produced by I-D magazine)

The cult that wouldn’t die, this hybrid of greaser and biker wouldn’t wash either. You really had to live in the Black Country (ideally Stourbridge or Kidderminster) and spend your days tinkering with your Triumph for real authenticity, but bands like Pop Will Eat Itself and Gaye Bykers on Acid spread this strange, unhygienic lifestyle around the land., leaving no green and pleasant pocket untouched by their grubby trousers, long, lank hair and high decibel mock rock. Liable to react to soap like Dracula to a crucifix, approach with caution but never with detergent.

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